Structures covering the joints between ceiling beams. In Grimston there are bosses between the beams above the nave which are intricately carved.
A form of carved decoration. In our case the corbels on the outside face of the east wall of the chancel are described as decorated.
The part of the church at the east end of the building, with the choir stalls and altar. Separated from the nave by a step behind the pulpit and lectern. Also known as the Sanctuary.
Masonry extending from a wall, usually supporting part of a structure. In our case there are 2 corbels on the outside of the east wall of the chancel, and these can be seen to have cartoon faces carved on them. One or both of these is thought to have been installed during the Norman period.
Curfew bell
A bell (in this case one of the church bells) rung at the end of the day to call people home.
A method of dating wooden logs or beams through examination of tree rings. In Grimston church this method was used to date the beams in the bell frame.
Diocesan Peculiar
A geographical area not under the jurisdiction of the church. In our case there was a period when Rothley was under the jurisdiction of the Babington family rather than the Bishop of the diocese. For instance, during this period the Lord of the Manor (i.e. the Babingtons) would have had the right to grant marriage licenses.
Early English
One of the forms of church architecture of the 12th to 14th centuries, following the Norman style. The earliest of the styles known as the Gothic (generally attributed to the period 1260 – 1300). [The others being ‘Decorated’ (1300 – 1350) and ‘Perpendicular’ (1350 – 1535)]. The Early English style is characterized by the introduction of pointed windows and arches.
A basin usually located near the door to hold Holy water for baptism of new members of the church. Originally large enough to allow a baby to be fully immersed.
Also known as the Knights Hospitaller or the Order of Saint John. A military Order that arose during the crusades of the 11th century associated with the Amalfitan hospital in Jerusalem where they treated pilgrims. They had headquarters in several eastern Mediterranean locations, and were weakened during the Reformation.
Knights Templar
A military Order formed during the 12th century to protect pilgrims to the Holy Land. They fought several battles against the occupying forces in the Holy Land and became wealthy through banking. The Order was dissolved in the 14th century.
The part of the church to the west of the chancel, housing the pews and the font.
A member of the church with the right to put forward a candidate for appointment to a benefice as vicar.
A style of church architecture used between the 14th and 16th centuries characterized by elongated vertical divisions in windows and tall arches and pillars. The last period of what is known as Gothic architecture. During this period building techniques benefited from technical advances in particular the use of pointed arches and windows.
A sink let into the wall draining outside the church for washing communion vessels. At Grimston there are piscinas on the right of the altar and in the vestry.
Notices on the walls of the nave commemorating notable members of the church, including those who lost their lives in the First World War, churchwardens and clergy.
Preaching cross
A stone cross erected outside the church to mark a place where the clergy would preach.
A screen, in our case wooden, behind (i.e. to the rear of) the altar. We believe ours was removed prior to 1963, before the east window was installed in 1966. Wood recovered from the reredos was used to make the cover for the font.
Sanctuary chair
The chair on the left hand side of the altar is known as a ‘Sanctuary chair’.
Also known as a rood screen, this was a partition usually ornate and of wood, between the nave and the chancel. The tops of screens were often accessible, and the blocked doorway which can be seen above the pulpit was probably used for that purpose.
The approximately triangular structure in the gap at the corner of an arch between the wall, the ceiling and the arch.
The parts of the church extending north or south of the nave. In our case the north transept is no longer there, having collapsed in about 1740. The remains can be seen in outline on the external masonry of the wall of the nave. The south transept is used to house the organ and is used as a vestry.
Wardens’ Staves
There are 2 churchwardens' staffs or staves clipped to pews on either side of the nave. These are surmounted with brass crosses. Originally this type of staff was sharpened and could be used by churchwardens, for instance to control animals.